Computer Database System


A database is stored as a set of files or a file. The database is the collection of information in computer files. A database provides cross-referencing capabilities. 

The information in these consists of one or more fields. Records are organized into tables. It is the basic unit of data storage. Various sorting commands, the users can rapidly search, rearrange, group by using keywords and select records to retrieve or create reports on a particular set of data.

The database management system defines new relationships from the basic ones given by the tables, then use them to get responses to queries. 

What are the most popular database management systems?

The list of the most popular database management systems is given below:

  • SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer
  • Oracle RDBMS
  • IBM DB2
  • Altibase
  • Couchbase
  • Toad
  • phpMyAdmin
  • DbVisualizer
  • Hadoop HDFS
  • Cloudera
  • MariaDB
  • Informix Dynamic Server
  • 4D (4th Dimension)
  • SQL Developer
  • Seqel PRO
  • Robomongo
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SAP Sybase ASE
  • Teradata
  • MySQL
  • FileMaker
  • Microsoft Access
  • Informix
  • SQLite
  • PostgresSQL
  • AmazonRDS
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • CouchDB
  • Neo4j
  • OrientDB

Popular Database Management Tools

Some of the popular database management software are given below:

Solar Winds Database Performance Analyzer

 Solar Winds Database Performance Analyzer can perform SQL query performance monitoring, analysis, and tuning that supports cross-platform database performance tuning and optimization.

The important features of Solar Winds are Expert Tuning Advisors, Cloud Database Support, and Automation Management API, Machine Learning, Cross-Platform Database Support, etc.

Costs: it offers a fully functional free trial for 14 days

Oracle RDBMS

 Oracle database is the most widely used database system that supports multiple Windows, UNIX, and Linux versions and object-relational database management software. The latest version is 12c. Here, c means cloud computing.

The important feature Oracle RDBMS is that it is secured and occupies less reduces CPU time to process data and also supports large databases.

Cost: It is fully a commercial tool.

Website: Oracle RDBMS

3) IBM DB2

This is the latest release 11.1 which developed in 1983 and it supports multiple Windows, UNIX, and Linux versions. The language used in this database system is assembly Language, C, C++ for writing it.

The important features of IBM DB2 are that it can save the huge amount of data and it is very easy to install and set up and data is easily accessible.

Costs: It is also a commercial tool.

Website: IBM DB2

4) Altibase

 Altibase is a database system that has high performance, an enterprise-grade, and relational open-source and it has been deployed over 6,000 mission-critical use cases in various industries. It also has over 650 enterprise clients including 8 Fortune Global 500 companies. 

Its main important features include is that it is a hybrid system.It is a single database that delivers high-intensity data. It is a large storage capacity through an on-disk database portion and it is a very small subset of relational that provides scale-out technology, sharding, etc.

Costs: Altibase is an open-source database management system.

5) Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is developed in1989. It works on Linux and Windows operating systems. The latest updated version came into the market in 2016. This language used is assembly C, Linux, C++ for writing it.

The main important features of MS SQL server include are that it allows multiple users to use the same database and it is compatible with Oracle provides efficient management of workload and
Costs: It is a commercial tool.

Website: Microsoft SQL server

6) SAP Sybase ASE

ASE was started in the middle of the 80s. It stands for Adaptive Server Enterprise. The latest version is 15.7.

The main important features of ASE are that using cloud computing even mobile devices can be synchronized with the database and perform millions of transactions in a minute.

Costs: It is also a commercial tool.

Website: SAP Sybase ASE

7) Teradata

 It is a scalable relational database management system that started in 1979. Works on Linux and Windows operating systems and it is based on off the shelf symmetric multiprocessing technology combined with, connecting symmetric multiprocessing systems, communication networking to form large parallel processing systems. The main important features are data import and export

Costs: It is a commercial tool.

Website: Teradata


ADABAS is a database system that stands for an Adaptable Database System. Runs on Windows and Unix, Linux operating systems. It was launched in 1971 and developed by Software AG to run on IBM mainframes.

The main important features are
1) irrespective of the load
2) its architecture is quite flexible
3)the output of any transaction is reliable
4) Data processing speed is fast
5) keeps pace with the changing demands.

Costs: It is a commercial tool.It has low Administration Costs.It also reduces the total cost.

Website: ADABAS

9) MySQL

 MySQL enables users to meet the database challenges of the next-generation web, cloud, and communications services. It has the latest version 8 with the language used is C and C++. It works on Linux and Windows.

The main important features are
1) use of triggers increases productivity,
2)High-speed data processing,
3)commit helps in data recovery

Costs: It is open-source software and commercial tool.

Website: MySQL

10) FileMaker

 A file maker is a cross-platform relational database application system. It’s latest stable release is 15.0.3 and it works on Mac, Unix, Linux, Windows operating systems.

The main important features are:

  1. The information sharing is easier because of the cloud
  2. It can be connected across platforms like connections to SQL are possible

Costs: It’s a commercial tool. A free 45-day trial of FileMaker Pro Advanced is available.

Website: Filemaker

Free Database Softwares

Some free database softwares are:

  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Teradata Database
  • Express Edition
  • MongoDB
  • CouchDB
  • DynamoDB
  • MarkLogic
  • RethinkDB
  • ArangoDB
  • Neo4j
  • OrientDB
  • Titan
  • Cayley
  • Hive etc.

Final Thought

It is system software for creating and managing databases. The database management systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

Nowadays, it is the time of data. In this database system, we can store, update, and create enormous amounts of data. The demand for Database Management Tools is increasing gradually.



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