Why Digital Learning is Important in Education: 10 Benefits

Digital Learning

Still sometimes we hard people talk about and ask why digital learning is important in Eduction as we are teaching in the traditional way.

However, digital learning is changing the formation of education with the passage of time.

In this modern world, the term digital learning has become a global phenomenon, which is a great medium for both teachers and students.

Learning online through digital tools and the medium has brought a great deal of change in terms of education, especially in the time of crisis that we are in 2020, it has made our life easier in terms of education.

In this article, I will try to provide information about digital learning as the use of technology in education, with the description of what digital learning is, how it works, what are some important features of it, and its pros and cons, all that you need to know about digital learning as a means of using technology in education.

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning is known to be any kind of instructional practice that enables students to learn effectively using technology.

What is

It ensures the use of a wide range of technology, and digitized learning strategies.

Many may think that digital learning is only about taking education online or using digital tools but actually it is not only about that but learning itself.

Digital learning is mostly meant to enhance the learning process of learners.

How Does Digital Learning work?

Digital learning or E-learning is the future of students.

During the process of online learning, you have to have a clear idea of some methods, how it works, how you should take online classes, different kinds of online platforms, and required technologies.

The probable first and foremost responsibility of a learner or a teacher is to be aware of the responsibility of mastering the course materials and methods.

Online programs generally come in two forms of programs, one is synchronous programs, where students learn at a specific time with other classmates and the teacher on a fixed schedule.

Another is asynchronous programs, that allow students flexibility to listen to their class lectures and homework according to their own schedule.

Moreover, online learning accesses you to the mobility of browsing through the upcoming module and missed module, academic reports, doing online assignments and submission online, all kinds of benefits of staying home, and completing your tasks and learning.

Though there would be some restrictions in case of browsing through the course materials, such as tests for upcoming units, exam material for the semesters, etc.

Growth of Online Education Statistics

Growth of Online Education Statistics
Digital Learning Statistics

Why Digital Learning is Important: 10 Benefits of Digital Learning

Digital learning for students is a great revolutionary compared to traditional learning. 

Many students, parents even teachers are choosing online or digital learning over traditional physical classroom learning because it gives flexibility to both learner and teacher. 

The advantages of digital learning give more accessibility and ease to do any sort of research.


The biggest benefit of digital learning can be realized in this kind of pandemic situation that we are facing in 2020. 

It enables us to continue with our learning or education as physical teaching programs are all banned. 

Otherwise, there are many more benefits that you can get through digital learning, such as:

1. Recorded Lectures

Most of the experience online present will agree with me that how valuable if some of the important content is reconded. 

It adds extra benefits for the students and is easy to understand in most cases: sometimes students can understate the whole lesson at that time but when they watch that again, they fully understate the lesson. 

Moreover, if some of the students miss the class he/she can watch the lesson and join the next class so they do not need to repeat the class. 

The research says those reconded videos benefits helps mostly the kids as repetition develops their thoughts and clear understanding. 

2. Any Time Access

In the case of digital learning, you don’t have to worry about the lab or library being closed to get your study material.

You have all time to access opportunities to get your materials, whenever you want to study or keep on extra study.

3. Flexibility

You have flexibility in choosing which module you want to study whenever you want.

Even if sometimes teachers hold classes via Zoom or Skype, in the case of group study you can choose your own method of working that works for you best.

4. Being Familiar with Technology

In this hyper-connected world, the world is based on internet related. 

Important meetings of different global businesses and jobs are now held online for the difficulty of travelling.

After graduating you might need to contact different global companies and industries or even different people, that will get easier because of your familiarity with the technology that you are now getting used to. 

5. Personalized Learning 

Digital Learning made education more easily than before. 

All the students are not the as a teacher teaching one single process or system. 

The learning capability is different from one another. 

Some of the students are fast as they have thrived the learning pace by going through the time. 

But some are weak and can't compete with the advanced students.  

For those online learning can help, teachers can segment into two portion methods like advanced pupils and fewer advanced students. 

According to that teachers can make plans or create their scheduling. To give the best education via using the digital learning platform or a more personal way. 

And those personalized only possible when you doing your class online.

6. Better Engaging 

Traditional classes are taught in the learning process which involves one teacher and many students, one blackboard, paper, pen, and books. 

But the old days have gone teachers use the blackboard, chalk, pen, and paper. 

We know there wasn’t the most engaging way to control the students' minds. 

In Digital leaning system is the best possible way to teach with tools of a whiteboard, laptop, text format, audio, video or graphically. 

Teachers use these tools to improve the engagement of the students.

Moreover, teachers taught pupils by using various gamification games so that students stay connected for a longer period of better engagement. 

7. 24*7 Resource Available 

Not each and every are students productive at the same time. 

Some are active in the morning and some are late at the night. 

The issue with traditional learning is that you haven’t that option. 

Traditional learning follows a single-time format and whether you are active or not it doesn’t matter you have to gather the knowledge at that time at any cost. 

On the other hand, in online learning, you chose your preferable time to learn or study your lesson. 

You don’t need to be physically present in the class, you can join the class in your own place. 

In addition, most of the resources are recorded already so you can access them 24*7 at any time. 

8. Track The Student's Progress 

One of the best things in digital learning education is to take down students' marks online and share them with other teachers as well. 

In addition, the authority also knows how many days the teacher presents to the class as well. 

Every student is not good in the class, so it is the teacher's duty to find out that specific student's weaknesses and strengths and track and attached them with data. 

After finding out the problem from the previous data with the new data, now need to come to a conclusion to give one or two solutions that teachers should follow and apply to him.

After a certain time, the teacher or board should see how the growth of the solution is working on that student's study and improvement. 

If it works well then track the good time as well. 

Because if the same happened to some other students then teachers use the same treatment to other students. 

9. Thrive The Writing Skill 

Leaning online mostly involves written communication. 

Even though, you are on the video conference or doing a class you have any of the questions on the text. 

Because you can’t disrupt the teacher or guess in the meantime when he is taking the class. 

Moreover, there are various apps where you can connect with other people and talk with them but most of the text. 

As anyone will not like to talk in a voice call or video call for the first time. 

So, he/she will judge according to your written text. 

In addition, to share the thought we still love the text format as you can change it multiple times compare to video and audio. 

Digital learning is reducing the use of the pen or paper which is a good sine for the environment. 

If we use less pen and paper then fewer trees will be cut off and the future will be able to see and the environment will be balanced in the world.  

10. Sharing Infomation Faster Than Before 

In the past time, sharing a piece of information took a year spread around the country.   

But with the development of modern technology, it is become minutes of time to spread the information around the world. 

How did all this happen? 

Various social media made this happen easily. 

For example, if you have 5 million followers on Facebook and 3 million subscribers on  YouTube then it is easy to go through the information around the world. 

As every social media has an algorithm to give a boost to which of the posts people like most. 

Once your share the information on the internet that will have on the online for a longer period of time. 

Anyone can see his/her individual work online easily. 

The benefits for the students are unlimited they can see and study material online 24 hours. 

They will not face any difficulty if they don’t have the money to buy the huge physical textbook on your desk. 

Tools for Digital Learning

Online students most of the time have to have their own computer and are responsible for arranging the necessary equipment required for the courses.

A typical basic list of required hardware and software are:

  • A Windows Computer or Mac with reliable operating system requirements.
  • High-speed cables to support online learning through the internet without buffering.
  • Compatible web browser, that mostly is provided by the school.
  • An E-mail address would be needed to be enrolled.
  • Presentation and PDF software, to view study materials or make class assignments.
  • Chat platforms, such as Skype or Zoom, would be needed for video conferencing or class.
  • Headphones, microphones, and webcams are a must for presentations and video chat meetings.

Once you have all this necessary equipment and software ready, you are ready to enrol in an enhancing method of learning which is digital learning.

Digital Learning in The Classroom

Other than digital learning used as distance learning it also can be a medium of effective learning even in traditional classrooms.

While in the classroom known as the traditional classroom or physical classroom that we attend we can use technology for learning as digital learning.

Presenting a study topic on a multimedia platform, animated video, and showing pictures through projectors can be very effective for all kinds of learners.

While learning rather than listening to lectures and reading textbooks different types of multimedia processors can make learning more acceptable by presenting it in the form of pictures and mostly in videos.

Different data, scientific research videos in labs, and colourful charts can attract the attention of the learner and make them more interested in the topic.

Different digital media can be used to conduct digital learning in classrooms. 

How to Promote Digital Learning?

If you are the one to provide digital learning then you might want to know how to promote digital learning or how to promote your teaching methods.

To make yourself better and promote digital learning and provide efficient education to learners you must follow some methods. Such as, 

  1. Know your audience: For providing education and giving your learners what they want you must know about your audience, who they are, and their educational or professional background. Holding different kinds of surveys may help you in this term. Knowing about your audience leads you to the method of solving their problems.
  2.  Developing a storytelling method: Telling the learners about telling a story always catches their attention. It helps to attract attention and make them understand easily. Moreover, storytelling makes a complex term simple and easy to understand. 
  3. Being motivating and inspiring: Try to motivate your learner through your teaching, it helps them to inspire to learn and try more. Motivating your learners through a word or sentence may help them to do well in the future and also in your course too.
  4. Solve problems: To convince the learner about the relevance of your training, you must let them know how you are going to help them and solve their problem and how they are going to get benefitted.     

Obstacles for Efficient Digital Learning

Everything has its own pros and cons. Digital learning also has its own, and among many the most impactful obstacles for digital learning in case of getting effective and efficient learning is the lack of time getting attached to study that students used to do during the school day.

The lack of physical guidance through mentors and the study environment of the school is big.

In a study, it has been found that both teachers and students are concerned about the lack of parental involvement which is very important for students, especially for kids learners. 

Other than some of these problems all in all digital learning is a great method of efficient learning.

Digital learning is mostly about the use of technology in education for more efficient learning than traditional room-based learning and for the time being, it is becoming popular around the world.

While learning, students and the professionalism of teachers play a big part.

Whether it is a personalized classroom or a social media-based education system is getting fertilized day by day by means of digital media or technology and it will continue to grow further.

In the case of digital learning, if both learner and teacher stay promised and focused on their duty any kind of obstacle can be avoided.

In the year 2020 digital learning has turned into a global phenomenon all around the world, as everything is getting internet-based.

The importance of digital learning as an efficient education process will continue to grow.

I hope this article has helped you to get an idea about how digital learning: the use of technology in education is getting implemented around the world, and how it is getting beneficial for both the learners and teachers day by day.



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