We can’t disagree with the fact that the world never is in the same position without the evaluation of technology.
Technology has changed the system of education after technology took the hand of education.
During the pandemic time, the world’s top rank to small and big universities, colleges, and schools started teaching online and figuring out how they can improve engagement on a regular basis.
The major important role of evaluation technology in the 21st century gives benefit people to take advantage of digitalization.
According to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) from the last decade to today various high-demand digital jobs has created.
With the aid of digitalization, a teacher uses different types of methods to engage pupils and monitor them perfectly.
For more interactive teachers uses multiple tools like video, virtual classroom, robots, augmented reality and other technologies.
In this process, more exclusive advanced learning is possible without expending too much money.
What is Educational Technology?

Educational Technology is a way of study that looks into the activity of developing, analysing, and designing, learning materials, instructional environments and learning methods to develop the teaching and learning system.
Definition of Educational Technology
According to G.O.M. Leith – Educational technology is the application of scientific knowledge related to learning and conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness of teaching and training.

According to Michael Spector, Educational Technology involves the disciplined application of knowledge for the purpose of improving learning, instruction and/or performance
According to The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, Educational technology is a systematic, iterative process for designing instruction or training used to improve performance.
Mainly all the techniques and strategies are used by the teacher with the purpose to enhance the students learning speed and be more interactive in the classroom, and that is basically educational technology.
Characteristics of Educational Technology?
Basically, Educational technology is integrated with the inputs to output via various applications of technology and science.

Educational Technology has 3 Components:
- Inputs – Teaching materials, school building and furniture
- Process – various methods, planning, techniques and strategies of teaching
- Output – changing the leaving behaviour with a desire though
10 Importance Roles of Educational Technology
1. Effective Education System
Certainly, technology introduces a new dimension of education that aids the overall pupils.
Technology created a healthy educational system for sake of students’ betterment worldwide.
The main key role played in technology in the education system makes learning more enjoyable, accessible and exciting.
The advancement of education technology gives the power to enrich the knowledge and skills of the pupils.
With help of the technology, all the poor and rich can have the same level of education and the same teacher can take classes.
The gap between rich and poor reduces slowly.
2. Collecting Proper Student Performace Data
All student are not the same in the merit of their talent but if they can do hard work and the teacher show the right path then a level bad student can be a good student.
To convert a bad student into a good student-teacher needs to know the problems of that particular student.
In this case, technology can take a step and play a vital role.
Tracking all the data of that student like his regular presence in the class, the interaction in the class, assignments, or each teacher talking one to one section online and finding out where he is making mistakes in his paper.
After understating all the possible issues then teachers take a step or make a plan to improve their education.
In addition, teachers will also track the plan that they have created for them, the teacher needs to ensure if their plan is successful or not.
3. Leaning at One Place
You want to study at the top level of university but you haven’t that much money or your parents aren’t willing to study abroad alone.
In this case, I have the option to take the course online.

And, I can study from my home at my own place by attending the same teacher’s class.
With the advancement of the technology E-learning process, anyone can study anywhere in his/her comfort zone.
In an online class, the best benefit is you can watch the live class and watch the video, again and again, to push and replay the same topic multiple times until you understand the concept.
4. Cost-Effective
To do the physical class on any particular course takes more money compared to the online class.
There are some reasons behind it, for example, for physical class need a room, some chair, a table, a whiteboard, AC or Fan which add electricity bill and other things as well.
On the other hand, for online classes teachers or institutes easily cut the cost as they do need to adjust more money.
So, they can take the course for less amount money and more students can join online.
The physical classroom has limited sit but online it is up to you how many students you want to join an online class.
5. Teacher Provides More resources
Educational technology provides various types of tools like AR/VR, and smartboard gamification to make them more interactive.
By using the advantage of modern technology tools teachers can easily drag the student’s attention like a magnet.
The most challenging thing in the classroom is to take the attention of all students at the same time or be understanding what is taught.
E-learning made it possible as a teacher gives plenty of examples like video, text, infographics, and images which made them perfectly understandable.
In addition, they can use gamification to teach something in an interesting way.
Moreover, for better engagement teachers can take tests online in various courses.
6. Save Time
Students’ time is very crucial for their studies but sometime around the world because of the traffic jam wasted a huge amount of time.
Most of the time pupils miss their class because of the traffic jam.
As a matter of fact, they don’t understand properly what their teacher is teaching and sometimes it cost very badly in the final they have F+.
On one hand, you can take the class online from your home without wasting your time.
In addition, you watch the same class again and again if the teacher recorded the video.
In the modern world, you don’t need to go abroad to study, you can join and take the class online from your home with the same feel, in a case with better understanding.
7. Better Understanding of Visual Effect
One research says, people or pupils, understand in a better way and remember for a long if teachers use video graphics.
This thing can only be possible if a teacher uses the visual information system.

Using VR technology students can retain knowledge of 25% to 60% on average.
VR technologies are gamification, microlearning, mobile learning, visual graphic etc.
Students can learn in a fun-loving way and the teacher gets more engagement with students in his class.
8. Personalised Learning Opportunity
The best of technology is you can take leverage resource access 24/7.
An entire class can take on online using just a simple laptop or mobile device.
Before the rise of technology for research or learning purposes, students used books which were cost-effective and hard to find out.
But it has become more easily as you just go to Google or buy E-books from Amazon.
Most of the students want to see the course materials and review them in video or text format.
After logging in to the website multiple times teachers understand students are facing difficulty with course matarials or the understanding problem point of view.
As matter of fact, the teacher can take good action after talking to that student as well.
9. Leaning from Home to International Students
Teaching has changed where Universities leverage technology and provide the same facilities online.
Sometimes online facilities are much better than offline.
For research, cost-effectiveness, time-saving and material purpose online is far better than online learning.
You can join any university from anywhere without thinking too to go abroad.
In addition, you can communicate with international students and share your thought in the same space online.
The advancement of Technology has filled up the poor and rich students gap.
10. Better Communication and Understanding
The advancement of technology has improved communication to the next level.
Now communication is more cost-effective than before.
Education technology has improved the collaboration and communication between the teacher and parents, teacher and students as well.
Because of the technology teacher solve the doubt of the students online without for the next day to resolve the issue.
Some teachers find some of the students are weak, so in this case, a teacher can create a group where they take a class to resolve the problems single-handedly.

How Important Is Technology in Education?
COVID – 19 teaches us how technology can help us in terms of online education.
Most of us before COVID – 19 thought it is impossible to learn some online, and education is bound to be offline.
In a crisis, moment technology plays big to keep going in education even during a hard time.
Then people understand the power of the online duction system after that more come online and they gave outside-the-country admission on basis of the online education.
The effective use of digital learning can increase the engagement of the students via using various digital tools like projectors, e-books, videos, and augmented reality (AR).
It is helpful for teaching lesson plans and how other teachers conducting their class can collect the data as well as how students are performing in the class.
How Educational Technology Improved Teacher Productivity and Efficiency?
With the aid of technology, teachers can take the leverage to the next level of productivity. For better engagement from the students, teachers can implement useful digital tools.
It will thrive both teacher’s and the student’s personal growth. Schools can reduce the cost the physical materials which can easily convert into e-books or videography.