Home Automation

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Home automation’s purpose is to provide ease to people to save electricity, time, and money.

What is Home Automation?

Home automation is to provide ease to people to control different home appliances and build automation for a house which provides ease and comfort to people to control home appliances with the aid of remote controls to save money, time, and electricity.

It is an automatic system for a home, called a smart home. A home automation system controls lighting, entertainment systems, climate, and other appliances. It may also include home security such as access control, alarm systems, calling bells. 

History of Home Automation

At early times, home automation began as a product of labor-saving machines. In the 1900s, Self-contained electric home appliances became more viable, with the introduction of electric power distribution, leading to the introduction of washing machines, water heaters, refrigerators, sewing machines, dishwashers, and clothes dryers.

The first general-purpose home automation network technology was first developed in 1975. It is a communication protocol for electronic devices. 

By 2012, in the United States, according to some reliable Researchers, 1.5 million homes were installed with automation systems. A research firm, according to specific research, found out that more than 45 million smart home devices will be installed in U.S. homes by the end of the year 2018.

Applications and Technology

  1. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC): It is possible to avail remote control for all home appliances over the internet incorporating a simple and friendly user interface.
  2. Lighting control system: It is a very smart network. It incorporates communication between various lighting systems like its inputs and outputs, using one or more central computing devices.
  3. Occupancy: It is not impossible to sense the occupancy of the home using smart meters and environmental sensors. Can be integrated into the building automation system, which would be helpful to trigger automatic responses for energy efficiency.
  4.  Appliance control with a smart meter: taking advantage of high solar panel output to run washing machines in the middle of the day.
  5. IPS: It detects a leak, smoke, and CO detectors.

      6. Home automation for the aid of the elderly and physically challenged people.

      7.  Pet and Baby Care: tracking the pets and babies’ movements and controlling pet access rights.

      8.   Air quality control: to monitor the air quality and pollution level in the city and create a map of the pollution.

      9. Smart Kitchen and Connected Cooking: Using voice control devices to kitchen appliances.


In a review of home automation devices, it was investigated and later was found that main concerns for consumers were:(H3)

  1. A Wi-Fi network connected to the internet could lead to severe hacking.
  2. Technology is still in its infancy, and consumers could invest in a system that becomes abandoned.

The Purpose of Home Automation

The home automation systems are used for many different reasons from which some are: controlling the heat, ventilation, indoor and outdoor lights, air conditioning in the house, to lock or open the doors & gates, to control electronic appliances and many more using various control systems with the respective appropriate sensors.

An Overview of Home Automation System

 In the last few decades, home automation systems achieved vast popularity in the aspects of their ease, comfort, and quality of life. Nowadays most home automation systems consist of a smartphone by which they can maintain several controlling systems.

 A smartphone application can be used to control and monitor home appliances using different types of communication techniques. In this paper the working principle of different types of wireless communication techniques such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, EnOcean.

Home Automation in Past

Home automation in a physical sense with the formation of mechanization items was started at early times. The automation of private exercises has its specific underlying foundations. The capacity to enlighten the room from a solitary switch radically changed the way we are now living by making it simple and moderately safe to light entire huge regions for broadened periods around evening time. In the 1950s, the following wonderful progress accompanied the presentation of the home TV and later presented the infrared remote control. These two innovations were useful for point-to-control correspondence between gadgets.

Home Automation in Present

In recent years, the Internet has enabled shrewd innovation to end up plainly an important piece of our day by day lives. Everything from major to minors of home security can be controlled with smart home innovation nowadays. Home devices, when remotely controlled through the Internet, are an essential constituent of the Internet. The present smart homes are more about security.

If anyone loses a phone, it is not a big deal to find that out.  Current patterns in home appliances provide us with facilities like remote versatile control, robotized indoor regulator modification, booking machines, computerized lights, content warnings, and remote video observation. 

There are sensors for a variety of uses, for example:

  1. Measuring temperature
  2. Dampness
  3. Light
  4. Fluid
  5. Gas
  6. Recognizing development or commotion. 

Some home appliances are mentioned below:

1. Bluetooth

Bluetooth works in the band of 2.4 GHz partitioned into 79 sub-channels with 1MHz.

2. WiFi

Wi‐Fi is a desirable wireless technology nowadays. Wi‐Fi has a range that is partitioned into just 13 halfway overlapping sub-channels, each involving the band of 22MHz.

3. Zigbee

ZigBee is a radio recurrence correspondence standard. The ZigBee organizer is in charge of making and keeping up the system. Each electronic gadget in the framework is a ZigBee gadget oversaw by the facilitator. 

Final Thought

A general overview of smart homes won’t be enough to describe the importance of home appliances. These are masterminded by their expected services all over the world right now. It covers the survey of various technologies, which emphatically support the home automation systems in a reliable way. Though everything has got its negative and positive sides. This topic is nothing different.

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