The Invention of Computer Timeline History with Short Summary

Table of Contents

The invention of the computer timeline started 200 years ago. 

From the complex and huge computer which captures an entry room to now everything in a small box with different names: laptop, desktop, tablet with various types of style.  

A computer is a machine or device which is used for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. 

It manipulates information, or data and also performs processes, calculations, and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program. 

A computer is composed of hardware and software. 

It can exist in a variety of sizes and configurations.

Computers are the study of processes that interact with data and that can be represented as data in the form of programs. 

The computer enables the use of algorithms to manipulate, store, and communicate digital information.

Short Invention of Computer Timeline

Date Computers 
1800s-1930sEarly Mechanical Computers
1930sElectro-Mechanical Computers
1940sElectronic Computers
1950sFirst Commercial Computers
Mid-1950s Transistor Computers
1960s The Microchip and Microprocessor
1970s Personal Computers
1980s-1990sThe Laptops and Early Notebooks 
2000sThe Rise of Mobile Computing
Late 2000sNetbooks

When and What Was The First Computer Invented & Called?

In 1622, William Oughtred invented the first computer and the first computer called The Babbage Difference Engine. 

After this, the Analytical Engine was a device designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871. 

The first mechanical computer was created in 1822, by Charles Babbage, a British mathematician.

History of Computer Short Summary

Technology Definition World History

1801: Punched Wooden

Joseph Marie Jacquard ( A French merchantJoseph and inventor) invents a loom which was used for punched wooden cards to work automatically to weave fabric designs.

In the early time, similar punch cards were used in computers.

1821: Different Engine

According to the University Minnesota, Charles Babbage ( English Mathematician) innovates a calculation machine which will be able to compute tables of numbers. 

The project is fully funded by the British Government which gives the name “Different Engine”. 

Though the project was because of the lack of technology idea.

1931: According to Stardforn University,  at (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology invents and created the automated – analogue mechanical computer on a large – scale.

1936: On Computable Number

The idea of the principle of a universal machine gives a British mathematician and scientist Alan Turing

Though on paper’s name of it was “ On Computable Numbers” collected the information from  Chris Bernharrdit’s book “Turing’s Vision” 

The modern computer idea was based on the old idea of the central computer. 

Anything is capable of computing worked on Turing machines. 


John Vincent Atanasoff ( a professor of mathematics and physics) gave a proposal to build an electric-only computer for the first time, without having belts, shafts, cams or gears.  

1941: Z3 Machine

According to Gerard O’Regan’s Book “ A Brief History of Computing” ( Springs), Konrad Zuse ( German Engineer and Inventor) build his Z3 machine which was the world’s earliest digital computer. 

However, because of the II world war, the machine was destroyed in a bombing raid on berlin.  

Later he released the world’s first commercial digital computer in 1950 ( According to O’Ragan) the computer’s name was Z4.  

1950: The Frist Commercial Computer 

The world’s first computer came up in the 1950s. The purpose of building a computer is mainly for scientific, defence capabilities and mathematics. 

However, the new computers were designed with the purpose of business functions like accounting and banking.  

The UNIVAC was the first commercial computer which was built in the U.S. 

Moreover, the first unit was sold by U.S Census Bureaus. 

This was the world-first commercial mass-produced computer with more than 45 units sold at a time.

1960s: The Microchip and the Microprocessor

In the age of 1960 and into the early 1670s the most advancement came to computer technology is the microchip or integrated circuit. 

The microchip inspires the production of the microcomputer and minicomputers in the area of enough inexpensive small businesses and personnel.  

Another important personal computer technology development came from microchips to microprocessors in this period. 

During the same period of time, another three microprocessor designs came out one from the Intel ( the 4004). second, Texas Instruments ( the TMS 1000) and third Garret AiResearch (the Central Air Data Computer, or CADC). 

After the first publication of the 4- bit processor then very quick time in 1972 came out the 8-bit model. 

Then very next year 16-bit model was produced in 1973 and in a very quick time the 32-bit came out. 

Moreover, in the 1990s the very first time 64-bit microprocessor came out on the market. However, it didn’t present in the world of PC marketing until the early 2000s.

More additional Information regarding computers!

What is the Classification of computers?

Computers are classified based on functionality, size & purpose:

Basis of The Functionality of Computer Types

According to functionality, the computer systems can be classified on the following basis:

1. Analog computer

An analogue computer can be used as the continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved.

Brian Cantwell Smith has remarked: “Analog’ should … be a predicate on a representation whose structure corresponds to that of which it represents … That continuous representation should historically have come to be called analogue presumably betrays the recognition that, at the levels at which it matters to us, the world is more foundationally continuous than it is discrete”. (Smith [1991], p. 271)

2. Digital Computer

Digital electronic computers are those that can be used as both digital computers and electronic computers. Examples: IBM PC, the Apple Macintosh as well as modern smartphones.

3. Hybrid Computer

Hybrid computers are those which exhibit features of analogue computers and digital computers at the same time.

On the Basis of Size: Types of Computer

On the basis of size the computer systems can be classified on the following:

1. Super Computer

A supercomputer is a computer that provides a high level of performance as compared to a general-purpose computer.

Its performance of it is commonly measured in floating-point operations per second instead of million instructions per second.

2. Mini Computer

A mini-computers are small types of computers.

3. Mainframe Computer

Mainframe computers use for bulk data processing, such as industry, consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and transaction processing.

4. Micro Computer or Personal Computer

Microcomputers are inexpensive computers with a small body and a microprocessor as their central processing unit which includes memory, a microprocessor, and minimal input or output circuitry mounted on a single printed circuit board.

On the Basis of Purpose Types of Computer

On the basis of purpose the computer systems can be classified on the following:

1. General Purpose

A general-purpose computer that was given the appropriate application and required time should be able to perform the most common computing tasks.

Examples of general-purpose computers are personal computers including desktops, notebooks, smartphones, and tablets.

2. Special Purpose 

A Special-Purpose Computer is designed to be task-specific and most of the time its job is to solve one particular problem.

They can be known as dedicated computers because they have been dedicated to performing a single task over and over again.

What are the Basic Characteristics of Computers?

A computer is an electronic device that takes input, processes that, and provides an output.

There are some basic characteristics of a computer. They are-

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Diligence
  • Versatility
  • Power of Remembering
  • No IQ
  • No Feeling
  • Storage
  • Memory
  • Automation
  • Reliability

What are the Basic Computer Components?

Computers that have internal architectural design come in different types and sizes, but the basic structure remains the same as all computer systems.

  • ‘Computer Hardware’ is used to describe computer components that can be seen and touched. The main components of a general-purpose computer system are:
    Input Unit, Output Unit, main/internal Memory or Storage Unit, Central Processing unit. The CPU includes the Control unit (CU) and an Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) All the units are known as “Functional units”. The Devices which are not an integral part of the CPU are referred to as peripherals.

What Are The Uses of Computers in Different Fields?   

  • Business: computers can be used in all businesses use computers nowadays.
  • Education: Computers use to supply learners with audio-visual packages, interactive exercises, and remote learning, including tutoring over the internet.
  • Healthcare: Doctors also use computers to record patient information and manage data and that can help them to make a more accurate diagnosis, especially if multiple doctors are working with the same patient. Nurses use technology to perform routine health checks such as EKGs, oxygen levels, and blood pressure.
  • Retail and Trade: In retailing computers are used, they are also applied to clerical activities, such as wages and salaries, warehouses, recording physical movements of goods into stores and in transit, monitoring progress on purchase orders, doing accounts, etc.
  • Government: Computers are also used in government offices for various purposes like e-mail functions, payment distribution, record keeping and even coordinating mailings.
    Marketing: Marketing professionals plan, manage, and monitor campaigns with the use of computer technology. 
  • Science: Computers use scientific technology that helps to analyze huge data sets and run statistical analyses far quicker than in the past. Scientists also use computers to run simulations and build electronic models.

Final Thoughts

we come to the end of our article. This article is a brief summary of the history of Computers. In this article, we had a brief description of the invention of the computer. From the above discussion, we come to know that a computer is an electronic device that is designed to accept data, and logical operations at high speed and perform prescribed is a programmable machine.


  • Babbage, C. (ed. by Campbell-Kelly, M.), 1994, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, New Brunswick: Rutgers University PressSmith, B.C., 1991, ‘The Owl and the Electric Encyclopaedia’, Artificial Intelligence, 47: 251–288
  • Smith, B.C., 1991, ‘The Owl and the Electric Encyclopaedia’, Artificial Intelligence, 47: 251–288

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