SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines

Did you know Search Engine needs to learn about your website so that it can show potential results to visitors? That’s why the Optimization part comes in the front. Your website needs optimization so that visitors can find your website easily through a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo and etc.

Search-friendly websites always rank on top of the search engine. That’s the reason SEO-friendly website design is really important. By doing some search engine optimization basics you can bring your website in front of Google or other search engines.

It will not only increase your ranking but also increase your potential visitors. These SEO-friendly website design guidelines will also help you to understand the key parts of Search Engines.

There are so many ways hanging around you but if you follow this guideline properly, I hope you’ll rank your website in a much better position. Continue reading this article where I will pave the way to do SEO considerations when building a website.

SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines - In-Depth

First, remember that a good start always leads you in certain ways. So, from the very beginning, we will set up our strategy to reach the higher position of Google.

cbd website

Without a strategy, your content might be good for SEO but in some situations, you will lag behind the others. That’s why we will develop our strategy first, then you will focus on everything we need for SEO-friendly website design.

This will be a very long article for you. But do you know the things you get easily, will lose easily too? So, enough talk, let's get to work. 

Content Strategy

At the very first, you need to learn what type of website you are working on and who your target audience is. Building up a unique content strategy will give you a boost at the beginning. Your website can be advertising products, business, e-commerce, or service-related websites. Then the most popular approach is creating a blog underneath it. Inject it with some unique content and articles. 

Content Strategy

Build a content strategy and create an outline. Use these techniques to attract your potential customers and increase your visitors. Remember, it’s always important to think about your content before you create or publish it. Always try to be specific about the content you are showing and build up a clear structure. 

SEO Friendly Website Structure

A successful website contains a logical and straightforward structure. If the content of your website is easy to find, perfectly clean, and readable then you have a good chance to be on the top of the search engine. It will help the visitor a lot and they will spend more time on it.

Also, a clean and clear website always helps google to index properly. On the other hand, some search engines will create site links for your website and make your clients easier to visit.

SEO Friendly Website Structure

Site links are some direct links that provide specific parts of your website. So that users can click their desired information they are looking for and can navigate it easily.  

Appropriate Title Tag

What are Title Tags? Basically, when you search for something results will appear in front of you. You can click on them to go to the specific information you are looking for. Those are the Title Tags. It’s the heading of the content that you are writing for. 

You should create a title for your content. Without a specific title, your visitor will not find the content they are looking for. It’s really an important asset for optimization. There are several approaches you can follow to create a perfect title tag and make it important for SEO.

Short and Meaningful

A short and meaningful title will always help you to appear first. Make your page-relevant content fit inside 55-60 characters. Because this is the maximum limit of a title tag otherwise it’ll be cut off. You can make it a little longer only if there is some valuable information or reasons.

Insert Keywords

Keywords specify your content and what is all about. Keywords help your visitor find the content you want them to see based on their query. That’s why keywords are really important to insert.

Find an appropriate keyword that will help your visitors to understand what you are going to discuss. Try to insert the keyword at the beginning of the title. Sometimes search engines might identify you as spam if you do not put the main keyword at first.

Make it Readable

First of all, you need to learn that you are making a title for your user to read and click, not for the search engine to index. Don’t make an unreadable sentence of keywords to get a higher ranking. Always make sure that your visitor will understand what they are looking for by watching the title.

Meta Description

You will find a description under the title tag when you search for something on Google. That’s the Meta Description Tag we are talking about. Specify the content by using this description to the visitors. Keep the words limit around 160 characters but it’s not serious if you go further. But keep it neat and understandable.

If you don’t put the meta description then the search engine will create a custom one by indexing your specific page. But I will recommend you to create your own and try to insert the main keyword or the focus keyword once. That might give you a better result.

Meta Robots Tag

A shortcode that tells the search engine which pages of your website need to be indexed or hidden. It’s a simple code that lies in the head section of your webpage. It gives you the power of controlling the search crawler to index your website.

Keyword Research

One of the main elements to make your website rank higher. You have to find and analyze some valuable and competitive keywords to make the proper use of them. There are 2 types of keywords -

Keyword Research
  1. Short-tail Keyword
  2. Long-tail Keyword

You can use both on the basis of purposes. But make sure to use low competitive keywords so that your targeted audience will find you easily. Choose your topic at first and then the keyword selection comes into play.

You can use Google Keyword Research Tool to find the competitive keywords for your content. But keep in mind that long-tail keywords drive better results for your website. So that you will find more traffic on your website.

Insert Keywords on to Pages

By inserting your targeting keywords into web pages you will get a higher ranking as Google indexes your website properly. Keep it simple and use it a few times on your web pages. It will help your specific web pages rank higher and it also improves your website performances as well. 

Use of Internal Link

As we learn more about SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines please don’t forget to focus on internal linking. Because it’s one of the most effective and important ways to make your website rank higher. These will help the search engine to find new pages of your website.

Use of Internal Link

You may have valuable and some awesome content on your website but sometimes Google will not always find that. So you need to help Google find them. But be aware that don’t use irrelevant links on pages as an internal link. Use relevant and on-demand internal links that go with your topic. 

Increase Readability

Our motive is to make an SEO Friendly Website Design. But we need to keep in mind that the more time a visitor spends on our website the more it will be recommended by Google.

Maintain a proper structure of your content and make the user interface clean and clear to the visitor. People come to visit your website for information, but if you don’t have a readable website you will lose your customer and Google will rank down your website.

Increase Readability

Google always wants to promote websites that satisfy the readers. SEO isn’t technical but if you want to rank better keep the followings in mind - 

  • Avoid Grammatical errors.
  • Choose readable font size.
  • Pick an appropriate font color.
  • Choose a proper web page background color.
  • Format your content properly.
  • Don’t use unnecessary ads on every page.

Improve Page Loading Time

A slow website always makes your visitor leave without further thinking. A website that takes more time to load won’t get a good rank by Google. Your bounce-back rate always matters on SEO. So, make sure to focus on your website loading speed. 

Improve Page Loading Time

Optimize Images

You can increase your website speed by optimizing its image. Because images take more storage and take more time to load. So if you can optimize the images properly without wasting the quality then it will be a great opportunity to rank over your competitive websites.

Fixing Issues

There can be many junks and unnecessary things on your website like CSS errors, HTML structure issues, or PHP and JavaScript errors. That will make your website load slowly. So, fix those issues and make your website faster.

Clean Up your Website

Clean up the unnecessary files and media files so that your website can handle less pressure. Delete up the pages and posts that are not in use at all. That might help you with your website loading. 

Responsive Design

You already know that around 52% of people visit websites on Mobile devices. So, making your website responsive is really crucial. By doing this, mobile users will easily find what they are looking for.

Responsive Design

So the rank of your website will increase because of visitors spending time on your website. Besides, mobile-friendliness is now an algorithm of Google ranking. So, if you haven’t made your website responsive then do it now.

Advantages of Social Media

The Social Media platform is now a big platform for marketing your website. It also plays a vital role in SEO optimization as most of the users use social media through mobile devices. So, you can share your website content through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on and this will boost your SEO optimization. Content shared with your followers will help you to gain more traffic and your ranking will be high based on it.

Add an SSL Certificate

SSL provides great security service on your website. As we already learned, Google started to mark unsafe sites that don't have an SSL certificate. To satisfy the Google algorithm it’s now an important factor to add an SSL certificate on every website.

Add an SSL Certificate

Otherwise, Google will not index your website properly. Besides, an SSL certificate will also provide you a better and more secured connection and earn the trust of your visitors. Though it’s not a design factor, it’s a great user experience factor.

One Topic Per Pages

Have you ever visit a website that is too much overwhelming and contains more unnecessary topics? Sometimes, you don’t know where to start and you lost yourself in the article. So, don’t try to overwhelm your visitors with unnecessary content. Use only one topic on a single page of your website.

Remember the most important page of your website is the Homepage. So don’t use excessive ads and popups on that page. Make it neat and clean and try to make it informative. After setting up your homepage make the other pages on topic per page. Then you are ready to go. Besides, the link to other pages is also important for SEO. If the link doesn’t work properly the people might not find your content they looking for.


So, this is how SEO friendly website design guidelines work at their best. SEO friendly website design is about creating such a website that visitors and search engines love. Don’t put all of your efforts into the visual aspect but make sure to make it user-friendly.

You made a website that might look great on desktop but slow on mobile devices. That doesn’t help you in ranking up. The search engine now wants a website faster, secure, and mobile-friendly.

After all, keep your content unique and informational, and with the Keyword Research Technique, you can achieve a higher rank on search engines.



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